Feature Ideas

Ideas, bugs, comments to improve InstaWP!

  1. Plugins & Themes License Integration

    Allow users to connect their plugin & theme license for 1-click activation on sites they are creating on InstaWP or migrating to a hosting provider.

    Vikas Singhal


  2. Export Static .zip for Website

    Exporting static .zip for sites hosted on InstaWP.

    Vikas Singhal
    #New 👋


  3. Website should have a settings to disable all Plugins.

    It would be great if the website owner could disable all installed plugins. If any unexpected errors occur, this setting will assist users in recovering the website.

    Anonymous Bongo
    #Integrations 🔗


  4. Import Site

    You will be able to import a site using not just InstaWP Connect plugin way, but also by dropping files from backup plugins like Updraft, WPVivid etc. You can even drop zips of WordPress playground and LocalWP/DevKinsta etc. You will also be able to simply copy paste the site health configuration and auto-create a site with exact same config.

    Vikas Singhal
    #New 👋


  5. Export as Laragon site

    We use Laragon instead of LocalWP for our local installs. It would be great to be able to export for Laragon instead of LocalWP!

    Gabriel G
    #Improvement 👍


  6. Create a staging site to preview a WordPress pull request

    It would be really cool to see a feature similar to WordPress playground where you can easily preview a pull request: https://playground.wordpress.net/wordpress.html Or rather, it would create a staging site from the pull request. WordPress playground still has some limitations. This could be a great way for more people to easily test things the WordPress team is working on and join in on the discussions.

    Brian J
    #New 👋


  7. Automated Daily/Weekly Version (backups)

    Provide an option to take automated daily or weekly backups for InstaWP sites, this will help users recover sites if something goes wrong. Also an option to limit the automated backups to last X times.

    Vikas Singhal
    #Improvement 👍#Bug 🐛


  8. Option to add site description

    Problem: I have 5 sites with a random name that were created a week ago. Now I don't remember why each one was created. Solutoin: A description field below the URL. I could explain the purpose of a site like "Testing Woo shipping options" or "Testing theme update".

    Rahul V
    #Improvement 👍


  9. Lock site for maximum security

    Simple brochure sites are primarily static, and don't need dynamic functions. Most of them require only a contact form, which can be taken care of by a third-party service. For these types of sites, an option to completely lock both the database and the file system would minimize maintenance and prevent security issues altogether, bringing complete peace of mind for clients and developers. Rocket.net implemented this feature recently, and it works well.

    Anonymous Ragdoll


  10. Suspend an InstaWP site

    Sometimes when we move a client from InstaWP to our production service we aren't quite ready to nuke everything on InstaWP. I'd like to be able to suspend the site (or redirect it from the dashboard) without deleting it while we wait for it to expire.

    Anonymous Kiwi
    #Improvement 👍


  11. Gridpane Partnership

    Please explore a partnership with Gridpane. They also have funding from Automattic and are much more established than a platform like ServerAvatar. https://gridpane.com/

    #Improvement 👍#Integrations 🔗


  12. Create Staging Sites in localised datacentre selection

    Allow the selection of the datacentre location for staging sites created from within the WordPress plugin to speed up staging creation.

    Matt W
    #Improvement 👍#New 👋


  13. Make custom name for staging in wordpress plugin

    Provide option in wordpress plugin to let people make custom name instead of random name for their staging so it's more visual in instawp dashboard.

    Anonymous Lamprey
    #Improvement 👍


  14. Export to Google Drive

    Export sites to Google Drive for safe keeping.

    Vikas Singhal


  15. Be able to set site expiry when creating a new site

    When creating a new site (whether from scratch, or via a template) could we please be able to set the site expiration? By default this is 15 days (I think). When creating sites for testing I only want them to be around for a couple of hours. I know I could add some extra code to manually delete them but it would be som convenient to just have them auto-expire after a couple of hours. Fingers crossed this isn't too hard to add support for. :-)

    David G
