
Watch this space for release announcements for InstaWP

  1. v2.39.0: Billing Address, a way to extend the lifetime for Template sites and UI improvements

    New Feature


    ⚡ Ability to Manage Users for Connected sites

    Manage Sites - Add Users

    ⚡ API to link two connected sites for 2 way sync

    ⚡ Separate billing email address is now supported (My Account > Plan & Billing > Subscription)



    ⚡ Provision to send a link (via webhook) to extend Shared template sites' lifetime.

    ⚡ Team APIs (Create, Add Member, Remove Member)

    🔌 Support for the Disable Blog plugin for the File & DB manager



    ⚡ Way to show the expiry date of a staging site.


    ⚡ Popular plugins are not pre-selected for free account holders anymore.

    ⚡ Magic Login screen is now translation-aware for Shared templates.

    ⚡ You need not enter the Old Domain when importing sites via Updraft.

    ⚡ Delete site confirmation in WaaS.



    ⚡ Site creation via Slack app not working issue

    ⚡ Third-party hosting compatibility for SSL installation.

    ⚡ Dashboard tab selection when navigating away

    ⚡ Several WaaS improvements

    ⚡ User label in case of singular count

    ⚡ Sorting of the Users list

    🔌 Issues with the scan command and authorization header

    🔌 Added the ability to record events for theme install event

    🔌 Heartbeat total size issue on WordPress v6.6




    ⚡ - InstaWP App | 🔌 - Connect Plugin


  2. v2.38.0: Mega-Release with 25+ Big Updates

    New Feature

     Read the detailed blog post here → 



    ⚡ Import support for the Duplicator plugin as Staging sites.

    ⚡ Ability to execute commands against InstaWP Live sites.

    ⚡ Ability to retry SSL installation for InstaWP Live sites.

    ⚡ New referral system with credit history feature.

    ⚡ Option to create a site with WordPress Beta version 


    ⚡ Support for burst mode in custom InstaWP Live plans (contact us for more).

    ⚡ Older WordPress Version support for Staging Sites, i.e., 5.x.

    ⚡ Past Month InstaWP live usage data

    ⚡ Refresh Servers option for Runcloud & ServerAvatar

    ⚡ Non-default configuration for Cloned sites

    🔌 Large media upload support for 2-Way Sync via S3 Bucket.

    🔌 Real-time migration logs

    🔌 WP Scanner CLI commands



    Sort by Updates option for Connected Sites

    ⚡ Categorization for API Tokens


    ⚡ Payment history and Invoices

    ⚡ [API] Execution of commands on Staging Sites.

    ⚡ [API] Creating a new command with a command body.

    ⚡ WaaS Demo Preview on the front-end store for templates.



    ⚡ Issue with saving suffix domain in WaaS Builder.

    ⚡ [VS Code] File creation issue on Windows systems.

    🔌 Loading of CSS/JS files on the frontend

    🔌 Security vulnerability issue in auto-login

    🔌 File name validation method in pull migration.

    🔌 Connect disconnection and restoration issue.

    🔌 PHP errors related to several sites.

    🔌 .htaccess issue after migration.

    🔌 GridPane hosting missing path issue.




    ⚡ - InstaWP App | 🔌 - Connect Plugin


  3. v2.37.0: Migration Log and Multi-line Commands



    ⚡ WaaS Subscription Cancel API and its Integration with EDD, Surecart, and WooCommerce.

    ⚡ Import Site functionality with WordPress Playground and Updraft support.

    ⚡ Manage Sites with ... menu inside the Dashboard as well.

    ⚡ Pressable - Hosting provider support added (again).

    🔌 WooCommerce endpoints for management (future feature).



    ⚡ CDN fixed on dashboard and store.

    ⚡ Execution of Multi-line commands argument





    ⚡ - InstaWP App | 🔌 - Connect Plugin

  4. v2.36.0: APIs, Integrations, Enhanced Security and Enhancements



    ⚡ InstaWP Live Statistics Graph

    ⚡ External Payment support for WaaS

    🔌 Encrypted push options data.

    🔌 3rd party API integration to log 2-way sync events from any 3rd party plugin.



    ⚡ InstaWP Live Site Deletion

    🔌 Extra security for the Config API

    🔌 Migration messages and logs.

    🔌 Naming convention for all actions and filters.

    🔌 2 way sync events display logic



    🔌 Temporary path populate logic

    🔌 PHP errors and Config API

    🔌 Migration script of pulling sites

    🔌 File size calculating issue in serve script.




    ⚡ - InstaWP App | 🔌 - Connect Plugin


  5. v2.35.0: Improved 2-way Sync, Custom InstaWP Live Plans & more


    ⚡ Dynamic Language Dropdown in profile page

    ⚡ Custom plans for InstaWP Live

    ⚡ Option to change Hosting subscription for all InstaWP Live sites

    🔌 Navigation menu support in 2-way sync

    🔌 Edge Cache purge support

    🔌 Expand/Collapse to migration visibility



    🔌 Update and Delete plugins/themes API

    🔌 Push Migration table prefix issue

    🔌 Event display and ordering (DESC) of 2-way sync sites

    🔌 Display and ordering (DESC) of staging sites



    ⚡ LocalWP file downloading issue

    🔌 File manager missing error

    🔌 Auto-login issue caused due to blocking/modification by any plugin

    🔌 Push Migration event logging

    🔌 DOMAIN_CURRENT_SITE constant support for push

    🔌 2-way sync duplicate event logging

    🔌 2-way sync plugin updates issue

    🔌 Recording of product & orders events by 2-way sync

    🔌 Recording of 2-way sync duplicate events.

    🔌 An Elementor-related issue for 2-way sync

    🔌 URL multi-parameter cache clearing issue

    🔌 Various migration-related issues




    ⚡ - InstaWP App | 🔌 - Connect Plugin

  6. v2.34.0: Restore Backup and Custom Plans for Hosted Sites


    ⚡ Restore backups for InstaWP Live

    ⚡ Custom plans for InstaWP Live - Contact Us for higher CPU / Disk plans.

    🔌 Increased visibility into Files & Database transfer during staging creation.



    ⚡ Optimized dashboard speed.

    ⚡ InstaWP Live subscription process.

    🔌 DB Editor's version is updated to the latest one for in-built DB Editor support.



    ⚡ VS Code Extension - File Save issue on Windows

    🔌 Issues related to File Manager Settings

    🔌 Issues related to Post-migration cleanup API

    🔌 PHP errors at cleanup

    🔌 Plugin activation after an update API-triggered update.



    ⚡- InstaWP App | 🔌 - Connect Plugin


  7. v2.33.0: Custom expiry time for sites and the new DB Editor


    ⚡ Set Site Expiry time feature

    ⚡ New Features in Pricing Plan

    🔌 New DB Editor

    🔌 Visibility to the migration process

    🔌 Support for installing plugins/themes in post-cleanup migration API.



    ⚡ Billing UI

    🔌 Security

    🔌 Code reusability



    ⚡ Issues with Multiline commands and Duplicate sites

    ⚡ Profile Update Email validation issue

    🔌 API Domain missing issue

    🔌 Migration not working with db host ports issue

    🔌 Caching issue for WordPress Posts (2 Way Sync)

    🔌 API Signature checking functions

    🔌 Staging site creation issues



    ⚡- InstaWP App | 🔌 - Connect Plugin


  8. v2.31.0: Bulk Update Connected Sites, Powerful Templates, and more


    ⚡ Bulk Update option for Connects 

    ⚡ New UX/UI and options for Templates (add/edit)

    ⚡ Easier Pricing Page - Staging Sites & Template Sites (aka Demo sites) quota is now merged

    🔌 Support for PHP 5.6 (useful for upgrading older sites)



    🔌 Magic login errors.

    🔌 Heartbeat from connected sites were missing.

    🔌 Fix total site calculation for migration.

    🔌 2-way sync events and optimizations. Bricks builder support.

    🔌 Magic login support for maintenance mode plugin by Webfactory.

    🔌 Rest API blocking issue related to security plugins.



    ⚡- InstaWP App | 🔌 - Connect Plugin


  9. v2.32.0: Team Manager, better 2-way sync and validations


    ⚡ The 'Team Manager' user role

    ⚡ Italian Language for Templates

    ⚡ Offers Listing on upgrade popup



    ⚡ 2 Way Sync and Connect features

    ⚡ Go Live Calculator works dynamically now



    ⚡ Profile Update Email validation issue

    ⚡ WaaS Domain Validation issue

    ⚡ Memory size limit for InstaWP Live backup download

    🔌 Action Scheduler error

    🔌 All WPCS-related issues

    🔌 Site size and related confirmation window issue



    ⚡- InstaWP App | 🔌 - Connect Plugin


  10. v2.30.0: Optimized Live, Staging & 2-way sync (and 20+ more updates)


    ⚡ On-demand backup facility

    ⚡ Option to clone InstaWP Live sites

    ⚡ Option to add multiple Domains for hosted Sites

    🔌 Activity Log

    🔌 CLI command to reset staging

    🔌 Migration support for Elementor Cloud

    🔌 Option to hide shortcut and hide flashing.

    🔌 Animation on staging site refresh button

    🔌 Support for COOKIE_DOMAIN constant in wp-config.



    ⚡ Translation For Hosting and Golive

    ⚡ UX/UI issues

    ⚡ SSH SFTP Password limit

    ⚡ Search Replace URL on Hosting site map domain

    ⚡ WaaS Insta Site migrate Connect URL

    🔌 Configuration issues for staging creation from local

    🔌 2-way sync event date timezone issue.

    🔌 2-way sync duplicate event issue.

    🔌 Staging site list items' automatically removal



    ⚡ Magic login

    ⚡ The overall system architecture is now SaaS-based

    ⚡ InstaWP Live's PHP and WP versions updated

    ⚡ InstaWP Live Pricing Calculator UI

    🔌 Overall performance for every dashboard page being loaded

    🔌 2-way sync feature's performance

    🔌 Stabilized the staging site creation process



    ⚡- InstaWP App | 🔌 - Connect Plugin
