All Announcements

v2.48.0 - Uptime Monitoring, Site Status Emails & Faster AI development

New Release


⚡ Uptime monitoring can be enabled for connected sites (Connects > Go to a Site's Settings)


⚡ Email notifications will be sent when the site is down and again up.

🔌 Activity logs now support core updates.

🔌 Support to clear sync events via WP CLI is added.



⚡ ZipWP site creation was made faster by adding CDN.

⚡ Improved security for Connect-related pages in the app.

⚡ Better connection speed when a new site is added for site management.

⚡ Map domain error messages were improved for clarity.



⚡ An issue related to the 2-Way Sync UI was resolved.

⚡ An issue related to WaaS and Template deletion was resolved

⚡ The reset of the API quota for paid customers was fixed.

🔌 Push migration issue of the database table prefix is fixed.

🔌 Staging sites list updates smoothly after a Connect operation now.

🔌 Various block, URL, and image-related Sync issues are resolved.

🔌 An issue related to skipping media migration was fixed.

🔌 An issue related to sending the Site Title, Favicon URL, and versions (PHP, Plugin & WordPress versions) on initial connect is eliminated.




⚡ - InstaWP App | 🔌 - Connect Plugin

