All Announcements

v2.45.0 - Vulnerability graph, Reply-to Details for Demos, Improved 2-way Sync for WooCommerce

New Release
New Feature



⚡ Vulnerability graph on the dashboard and vulnerability details page


⚡ "Reply-To Name" and "Reply-to Email" fields (Template > Email Collection)


⚡ Capability to exclude WordPress core folders during migrations



⚡ Increased the on-demand backup limit by 3x

⚡ Dashboard now loads faster for a better user experience.

⚡ Updated design on the migration tracking page

⚡ Various UI/UX elements (e.g., dropdowns, icons)

⚡ UI Improvements to the Live site’s Backup screen



⚡ An error related to WaaS live pack pricing (per site)

⚡ The issue with pull migration status updates

⚡ Bulk select feature now works correctly on the Connect page

⚡ Issues with WP core inventory management

⚡ Manual CPU burst for live sites

⚡ Removed the visitor count display on InstaWP live

⚡ A bug on the InstaWP live detail page

🔌 Issue with syncing WooCommerce meta-data

🔌 Issue with syncing WooCommerce order ID, order creation date, and modification date


🔌 Synchronization of WooCommerce order totals and order origin

🔌 The issue where blank items were being added to WooCommerce orders on the staging site.

🔌 Post meta-data is now saved correctly when triggered by action hooks.

🔌 Synchronization of post meta-data saved via the save_post hook.




⚡ - InstaWP App | 🔌 - Connect Plugin
