
Watch this space for release announcements for InstaWP

All Announcements

v2.34.0: Restore Backup and Custom Plans for Hosted Sites


⚡ Restore backups for InstaWP Live

⚡ Custom plans for InstaWP Live - Contact Us for higher CPU / Disk plans.

🔌 Increased visibility into Files & Database transfer during staging creation.



⚡ Optimized dashboard speed.

⚡ InstaWP Live subscription process.

🔌 DB Editor's version is updated to the latest one for in-built DB Editor support.



⚡ VS Code Extension - File Save issue on Windows

🔌 Issues related to File Manager Settings

🔌 Issues related to Post-migration cleanup API

🔌 PHP errors at cleanup

🔌 Plugin activation after an update API-triggered update.



⚡- InstaWP App | 🔌 - Connect Plugin