v2.31.0: Bulk Update Connected Sites, Powerful Templates, and more


⚡ Bulk Update option for Connects 

⚡ New UX/UI and options for Templates (add/edit)

⚡ Easier Pricing Page - Staging Sites & Template Sites (aka Demo sites) quota is now merged

🔌 Support for PHP 5.6 (useful for upgrading older sites)



🔌 Magic login errors.

🔌 Heartbeat from connected sites were missing.

🔌 Fix total site calculation for migration.

🔌 2-way sync events and optimizations. Bricks builder support.

🔌 Magic login support for maintenance mode plugin by Webfactory.

🔌 Rest API blocking issue related to security plugins.



⚡- InstaWP App | 🔌 - Connect Plugin