2.52.0 - Seamless Support for Advanced Sites and Better Site Management
⚡ Toggles to enable advanced connection for your sites from Site Setting > Activity Logs, Vulnerability Scanning, and Performance Scanning pages.

🔌 Added support for FSE theme global styles, Templates, and Template parts in 2 Way Sync.
⚡ We're now sending emails upon hosted and connected sites creation.
⚡ Child site will now be treated as a parent if the parent Connected Site is deleted.
⚡ Label and Text improvement has been made on Migration-related pages.
🔌 Improved performance for the Connect plugin.
🔌 Verified compatibility with WordPress 6.7 for improved user experience.
⚡ Users can now change Template Names even if their Template quota is exhausted.
🔌 Fixed missing PHP checks and incorrect variables.
🔌 Resolved file size calculation errors
🔌 Added JWT support & custom API server URL support.
🔌 Enhanced API responses for initial connection.
🔌 Fixed support to mark staging site as parent via API.
🔌 Fixed 404 errors and file check exclusion issues in push migration.
🔌 Fixed secured unserialized data handling to prevent potential vulnerabilities.
🔌 Fixed default username for magic login.
🔌 Miscellaneous bug fixes and performance improvements.
⚡ - InstaWP App | 🔌 - Connect Plugin