2.51.0 - Magic Login User Roles for Templates, Simpler Trials, and Easy Advanced Managed Site Creation
⚡ Added ability to change magic login user role for demo sites created by Shared templates.

⚡ Added option to create an Advanced site (for management) during first connection.

⚡ Added a warning to tell if the PHP version differs from source and destination during migration.
🔌 Added a warning to notify users when the plugin is not updated to the latest version.
🔌 Added support for disconnect and connect via WP CLI.
⚡ Plan name has been added to the site settings page for the hosted sites.

⚡ Expiry time is now displayed at the time of WaaS demo site creation.

⚡Server locations are now full country names instead of aliases.

⚡ Tons of examples and description has been added to Public API documentation.
⚡ Team dropdown has been added to mobile screens.
⚡ Fixed an issue related to Credits being displayed in the team dropdown and on the Credits page
⚡ Fixed bug related to template staging site creation.
⚡ Faker (under Configurations) data not being saved issue has been fixed.
🔌 Fixed an issue related to marking staging site as parent via API.
🔌 Fixed an issue related to file skipping.
🔌 Fixed openssl_encrypt warning issue regarding IV.
🔌 Fixed IWPDB issue during pull migration file transfer.
⚡ - InstaWP App | 🔌 - Connect Plugin